Monday, August 17, 2009

Sil and Iridessa!!! AGAIN!!

heyyy!!! YAY!!! I met Sil n Iridessa again!!! YAYYYYY!!!! N THIS time, I got ALL the leis for ALL my fairies!!!! (except April....she oni got 4 :[) ARGHHHHH!!!! n btw, it was HARD WORK!!! ARGHHHHH!!!! lol... :D here's a PIC!!! she mentioned me!!! :D yayyyy!!! :D

So since i didn get ALL the leis for this fairy, at least i got Iridessa to mention my name for the camera! :D ;) lol.....

Btw, i got ALOTTA other pix too but its in my other pc....coz im using my Mum's one
now since its faster :D lol...


PS: ARGHH!!! d pic is SOOOO blur >.<
PSS: Here's Sil's Profile!!! She arrived MANY SEASONS AGO... COOOOL!!! :D but ONLY 92 badges??!?! saad... lol.....i got MORE then her! lol... :D

Update: Here are a couple of other

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